March 10, 2014

Thanksgiving 2013 & The Christmas Train

So obviously my big attempt to catch up on blogging failed. Shocking. I've decided with the exception of a few posts, it's time for me to let it go...let it go! I'm never going back...the past is in the past! Or maybe I've watched Frozen one too many times. Either way, reality is...I feel this weight hanging over me to catch up on everything, so I'm not even blogging current stuff, thus getting further and further behind. So I'm going to narrow it down to a few things I definitely want to post about for memory sake, and then move forward. I do realize this isn't a real problem; just a touch of my OCD. So with that, let's talk Thanksgiving!

They had a feast at Manny's school. He was so funny because he kept calling his costume the feast, and was telling me he had to wear his feast.
Manny's name was Chief Sitting Bull.

I was a few minutes late to the feast, and Manny was upset that I hadn't made it yet. One of my friend's sent me this picture of him when he was asking where I was and acting sad. His sweet little face breaks my heart! I work extra hard to be there on time now. :)

We spent Thanksgiving day at my parent's house. Here I am with my niece Gabi - twinning in our glitter belts!
Maeva looked so cute in her SheShe Made dress. Sadly I didn't get a good picture where you can see all of it, but it's adorable!
We tried for a family picture, but you see how well that went.

I bought Maeva this fur vest last fall at Old Navy, and she immediately fell in love with it. She would always bring it to us wanting to wear it, and at night would cry when we'd make her take it off for bed. The level of diva-ness already kind of frightens me.
The night after Thanksgiving we all went to The Christmas Train. It's a fun event at Dry Gulch, which is only about 30 minutes from where my parents live. It's super popular and tickets sell out within like the first hour of them going on sale. Luckily my awesome mom & dad double-teamed the system and were able to score tickets for us all!
Aren't they the cutest?! Love you guys so much...thank you for such a fun outing!!

It was COLD but we had a lot of fun, and most of the stuff is inside anyway. 
Here we are with my dad and niece Laci. We had to wait in line for the train for about 30 minutes or so but it went by really fast actually.

The train ride takes you through the story of the birth and resurrection of Jesus and was really neat. I hadn't been in several years and it had changed quite a bit.

A trip to Mimi & Papa's wouldn't be complete without some time spent taking care of the animals.

Headed out to church on Sunday...of course she had to wear her vest!

When we got to church, Aunt Beck just so happened to be wearing her fur vest too! Twinsies. :)

Before heading home for the weekend, of course Manny had to help Papa haul some wood. Not so sure how much of a help he really was. ;)
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