November 19, 2009

Answering your Questions!

As you may recall, I said I'd answer the questions on here we are! Nevermind the fact that it's actually 2 Thursday's later...better late than never, right? On with questions!

Beth said,
Q: "i know your husband is a doctor, so i'm curious if he's going to deliver your baby? i have been reading since you very first started blogging, and i remember you mentioning his profession early on. just so you don't think i'm a stalker :) congrats again!!!!!"

A: First of all, thank you very much Beth for being a long time reader! I really didn't think anyone other than my sister (who I made read it) and myself had been tuning in that long. So thanks for sticking with me through the blah's and random moments. :)

To answer your question, no - my husband will not be delivering our baby. He said he can be my husband or my doctor that day - but not both. And I'd rather have my husband. :) Seriously though, we thought about it but decided not to do it. He's in a different mindset when he's delivering and wouldn't be as available to support me emotionally, which is something that's really important to him. And heaven forbid should I have to have a c-section, the thought of him cutting into me...well, I just think our marriage would never be the same. Call me crazy (cause I am)...but we decided it would be best this way. One of his partner's is my doctor and we really like him, so we're good to go!

Angela and Step-fabulous both said they would love to see more pictures of my home decor, so I am working on getting some pictures ladies! That will be an upcoming post...thanks for the interest. I must remove the 7 layers of dust throughout my house before photographing anything though, so we'll see how this turns out.

Cassie said,
Q: Are you going to find out what you are having? What about names?

A: Good ones Cassie, I get those a lot! YES, we are going to find out the gender! In fact, this Sunday I will be 15 weeks and we're going to try to take a look then. Actually Patrick isn't going to come in because we're not going to have the doctor tell us (if he can for sure tell) and I don't want Patrick to accidentally catch a glance. He's going to write the gender down in a sealed envelope (Patrick is on a search for something tamper proof and resistant to light since he thinks I'm nosey and will peek...ha!) and we're going to have a gender reveal party with our family over Thanksgiving! So I'm REALLY hoping he can tell, but I know it may be too soon. For the record, we both think it will be a BOY!

And finally, NAMES! We have a boy name picked out that we have had since January...I will share the story behind that another time. But as far as girl names, we really don't have anything! To be honest, we haven't looked or thought about names really at all. So we'll have to get to work if we find out it's a girl!

Cassie and Matt & Alisha said,
Q: Are you going to keep the nursery decor?

A: As far as nursery decor, we will most likely change it. Since we'll know the gender, we both have very different ideas about what we'd want, whether it be a boy or girl. So, I have been praying about what to do with the bedding. I would like to give it to a family/mother who needs stuff for their nursery. So far I haven't come across anyone, but I feel strongly this is what I'm supposed to do so I'm sure an opportunity will come up.

Step-fabulous and Matt & Alisha said,
Q: Where did you get the stuff for the shirt/where did you get it made?

A: I designed my shirt in Publisher using digital scrapbooking supplies, then printed it on iron-on transfer paper (do NOT get the kind from Hobby Lobby). I also made a shirt for Patrick. His brother and wife are serving as medical missionaries in Ecuador, so we told them via times! :)

And finally, Jennifer said,

Q: Where did you get your hoodie??

A: I LOVE this hoodie and got it at a ghetto store called Fallas. They had one in Waco when we lived there, but I think it's closed now? I actually got this one when I was visiting my sister in Dallas for a whopping $3.99!! And that wasn't even on sale...that's regular price!! The store is kind of hit and miss but I like to stop in if I'm near one...I'm all about a good deal. I meant to look at the brand but forgot...if anyone's interested just email me (or comment) and I'll look.

Whew!! That was a back tomorrow with some's been TOO long!! :)

November 11, 2009

A coupon for you!

I love coupons. I don't so much do the grocery store coupon thing (though I should try) but I'm all about coupons for clothing, electronics, etc. Anyway, a friend sent me this one via email and I thought I'd share in case you haven't received it yet.

Download the Holiday Give and Get Coupon and take advantage of the 30% discount this coupon offers at all Gap, Inc, stores (including Gap, Gap Outlet, Banana Republic, Banana Republic Factory Stores, and Old Navy). 5% of all of your sales will go to support The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Click here to download it.

Happy shopping! :)

November 4, 2009

Wordful Wednesday: My Cute Nieces!

Check out these absolutely ADORABLE pictures of 2 of my nieces! A friend of a friend of my sister-in-law's is using these pictures on an etsy listing for the cute hats. Couldn't have found better models, huh?! :)

You can go here to see the full listing on Etsy.

November 3, 2009

Telling My Family & Questions

Nothing like dragging out a story, huh? So sorry. I seriously don't know where time has gone... and yes, I'm pretty sure I said that on one of my more recent posts but never mind. I just have too much on my plate right now and hoooo-leeeee cooooow the tiredness is out of control! I'm not complaining, but my new bedtime of 9ish has really cut into my productivity. Not to mention Tuesdays/Thursdays when I teach a Fit Camp class at the gym...well, let's just say I'm calling it a night at 7:35....on a spunky night. So yeah, some things such as blogging and keeping my house presentable have had to take a back seat. And let me just say my back seat is getting fuullll. So I've decided to pull blogging back up front with me. Now, don't get crazy here...I'm not committing to National Blog Posting Month (30 posts in 30 days) because I'd hate to break a promise I know up front I can't keep. But I AM really close to being caught up on my reading so will try to start blogging more than once every week and a half! Because I know that's what you guys thrive on, right? Humor me. I'm emotional and hungry.

Anyway, on to a few final details of the "Big News." It was really hard to not tell my family right when I found out, but I wanted to wait and tell them in person. So, I made this shirt, which I know you probably can't see very well, but it says "Coming this May Baby Martin {I'm pregnant}".
I wore it underneath a hoodie and unzipped it when we were all standing around and said, "Do you guys like my new shirt?" And they were all like, "Oh how cute!" and I knew they hadn't read it. So they kept staring at it and it was DEAD SILENT. And my oldest sister goes, "Wait...", and I said "I'm pregnant." Silence still. For like EVER. So I said again, "Me! I'm pregnant!" and they just kept looking at me then back at the shirt, and finally they started screaming and was so funny! (Side note: I have 3 sisters, 1 brother, and an amazing mom & dad...we are all SO close & are very blessed! I love having a big family!) Somehow we didn't get any pictures, but we do have it on video, which is hysterical. Unfortunately I can't get it to upload! :( But here is a picture with my little sister right after I told her. She was the first family member to know since I saw her in person first. :)

So, what does this mean on the adoption front? At this time, we will not be adopting. Something we discovered when searching for an agency was that the majority of the agencies we talked to do not allow you to adopt while you are pregnant, understandably so. I notified our agency when I was only about 5 weeks along, and it was really hard for me to do so. 5 weeks is early, and though this is my first pregnancy and we are believing everything will be fine, the reality is anything can happen. Our mentor was very sweet and understanding and told us they'd just hold our book. In the event something happened, they would put us back in the rotation to be profiled when we were ready. So, for now, that is where we stand. However, we do feel like throughout this all, God opened our heart's to adoption, and that is something we will pursue in the very near future, Lord willing, of course. :)

And finally, it seems I'm getting a lot of emails with questions, and I've tried to get back to most of you, but I know there's still some I haven't answered. That being the case, I thought I'd open up another Q & A post. So if you have a question for me, about anything really, either email or post below and I'll post my answers on Thursday (ummm...I just gave myself a deadline...frightening. Though I didn't say which Thursday I was referring to, so I can always fall back on that if need be. Whew.) Maybe I've gotten everything covered, so there won't be any questions...but thought I'd offer it up just in case as I can't seem to remember things lately!

Blog Awards!

Well I'm a littttle late to the ceremony, but I need to thank my amazing bloggy friends for giving me a blog award! So here we go.

Thank you to Sam at The Thompson Times, Mandy Jo at Campbell Party of Three, Shannon at Hoping for a Miracle, and rlvd at Crazy Beautiful Life for the Kreativ Blogger Award!

The rules for the award are: Thank the person who nominated you for this award, Copy the logo and place it on your blog. Link to the person who nominated you for this award. Name 7 things about yourself that people may not know. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.

Seven things you might not know about me:

1. I have a lifelong goal to appear on a gameshow. Anyone who can make that happen shoot me a message puh-leaze.
2. When I was 3 months old, the Lord miraculously healed me of spinal meningitis.
3. I used to work for Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.
4. In college I went through the Taco Bueno drive thru to get chips & queso. It was $0.97. I thought I had a dollar bill, but couldn't find it so was going to write a check. The guy felt sorry for me so he just gave it to me. I tried to add 3 chalupas and a gordita to the order but he wasn't going for it. Can't beat free queso, though.
5. My BFF and I once sang for our taxi driver in NYC when we didn't have enough money to cover our fare. We even allowed him to make requests. If memory serves, his only request was that we be quiet and pay up. But still, I'm just saying.
6. I had three boyfriend's named Patrick and the third one became my husband...guess the 3rd Patrick's the charm.
7. It drives me insane to have more than 25 messages in my inbox. With my current inbox boasting 357 messages, I guess that might explain this twitch in my right eye I can't seem to get under control.

And thank you to Kris at Hands, House, and Heart Full for this award!

Thank you to Sarah at Adventures in Ava-land for this fun blog award!

**The Rules~ Use only one word, pass along to six favorite bloggers, and tell them you did so.

1. Where is your cell phone? desk
2. Your hair? frizzy
3. Your mother? incredible
4. Your father? amazing
5. Your favorite food? everything
6. Your dream last night? yikes
7. Your favorite drink? water
8. Your dream/goal? children
9. What room are you in? office
10. Your hobby? sleeping
11. Your fear? loss
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? family
13. Where were you last night? home
14. Something that you aren’t? energetic
15. Muffins? please
16. Wish list item? cricut
17. Where did you grow up? Oklahoma
18. Last thing you did? meeting
19. What are you wearing? blackdress
20. Your TV? home
21. Your pets? fish
22. Friends? treasures
23. Your life? blessed
24. Your mood? tired
25. Missing someone? yes
26. Vehicle? Ford
27. Something you’re not wearing? socks
28. Your favorite store? Target
29. Your favorite color? green
30. When was the last time you laughed? recent
31. Last time you cried? commercial
32. Your best friend? Hubs
33. One place that I go to over and over? work
34. One person who emails me regularly? Daddio! :)
35. Favorite place to eat? Cheddar's

And if you made it this far, consider yourself awarded! I would like to pass this award on to ALL of my lovely readers!! :) Fill out and continue if you feel so obliged!

Thanks again, ladies!

P.S. If you gave me an award and I missed it, please let me know! Sorry I'm so late in getting these up. :)

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