August 12, 2011

Project 365: Week 31

July 30 - This was actually a HUGE day in the history of my life. Why is that? Well, I went to Tulsa for a bachelorette party for a friend's wedding I am in this September. It was a great girls night, but also? The first time I left Manny over night. :( Patrick and him had a great time and became even better buddies than before. I definitely cried when I left...but it was good for me to get away for the weekend! This picture is of me and my friend Daysha while we were waiting to eat dinner. Daysha is not the one getting married, but has been a good friend of mine since high school when we cheered together. Fun times! :)
July 31 - Sunday I got to come home to this sweet face!! I was unpacking when Manny walked into the bathroom carrying a 24 pack of toilet paper. His eyes seriously looked like they were about to pop out of his head, but he was proud to be carrying it around.
August 1 - Apparently one of the things Patrick & Manny did to pass the time while I was gone was spin in the office chair. Manny LOVES to do this, and when he gets up of course he's too dizzy to walk and falls down...and then laughs hysterically. It is SO cute.
August 2 - I have been working on cleaning stuff out to prepare for our move. We just have SO much stuff that we need to get rid of and I don't want to move it with us. Manny has actually been a good little helper and will sometimes sit in my lap while I go through stuff. He rarely does that, so I love it!
August 3 - Today was Patrick's birthday, and unfortunately Manny was in bed by the time we had his little celebration. Manny & Patrick wrestled around as usual when he got home from work though and had a grand ol' time.
August 4 - Our sweet little family...I posted about this picture here.
August 5 - I had to mail some packages, and Manny was all too excited to be in the post office. I had to set him down to address some stuff, and he kept running around. At one point he took the keys out of my pocket, which I didn't realize. I looked over and he was trying to stick them in mailbox. THAT would have been an issue...luckily I caught him before he dropped them in. Such a menace!

Happy Friday friends! :)


  1. I just love these little picture boards...nothing better than seeing that precious little face all over this post! He is just the sweetest thing I've ever seen! Hope y'all have had a good week...and hope you have an even better weekend :)

  2. Such a cutie!! You always have him dressed so cute - maybe you could do a post on where you shop for him ;-) *cough, cough*

  3. Gosh he is turning into such a little toddler. So cute!


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